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Panama Deception | Coverup | Destination Nicaragua | Raw Footage
I saw your film panama deception this evening at dutchess community college in poughkeepsie, ny, and would like to say it greatly affected the way i see everyday life and i feel like i have gained a new outlook on every aspect of my life. Your interview after the film made me realize that there is so much to do in life and getting a message out and educating others, while helping others is more rewarding then anything else. i want to experience that. i want to know that i have done something with my life that has made a difference in someone elses life for the better. i feel like i have been lied to and only now do i realize the disgusting way this country is run and how the citizens of it are so uninformed, and in fact being lied to. i felt sick seeing and learning that so many innocent people die in war and it really disgusts me. i definantely plan on helping to make a difference and to get the message out. this is our future thats at risk and everyone needs to learn and realize that we are being mislead by people who think they can get away with it. the corruption and insanity has to end. once again thank so much for educating me on this horrific problem and i wanted to write you to say that you have definantely affected my decisions and ideas about life.
Thank You
Alana Macaluso
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